Spring Garden Tips

If you have not already started to plan your spring garden, this is your sign to start. May is the perfect time to break ground on what will be your glorious garden come summer. With warmer weather and longer days ahead of us, May is the perfect month to get started on your own garden.  


Gardening is a great activity for everyone. No matter if you are just getting started, or have been gardening for years, there are plenty of reasons to grow your own produce, herbs, and flowers. Not only is gardening cost effective, convenient, and environmentally friendly. It is also a fun hobby that can be very fruitful. Whether you plan to grow herbs, vegetables, or flowers; here is what you will need from Far North to have a great-looking garden this year. 


If you are new to gardening, it is ok to start small with only a few herbs and or vegetables. Feel free to look at our past blogs to learn more about building out some raised flowerbeds or your very own greenhouse. Raised flowerbeds are easier to tend to, allow for better drainage, and keep unwanted guests and pests away. Using chicken wire or hardware cloth on the underside of garden beds is an effortless way to prevent unwanted guests in your garden.   


Another great tip to help with starting your garden is to use paper egg containers as seedling starter pods. Take a paper egg carton and fill each mold with soil of your choosing. Use each mold to sprout a couple of seedlings at a time. Once the seedlings are matured you can easily transfer each set of sprouts to your outdoor garden. 


If this is your first (or even second) time gardening, try starting off with some beginner-friendly fruits and vegetables to increase your levels of success. While these are only a few options, there are plenty of others out there as well. It is also best if you grow foods that you like to cut down on any potential food waste. Spinach, carrots, radishes, and cilantro are some beginner-friendly options that grow well in the spring. Remember that gardening can go until late fall. So, you can plan to continue to start growing new foods throughout the year.  


Please check out all our gardening products to help achieve the garden of your dreams.