
Summer Solstice

It’s been summer for a few weeks now, however, the day that is unofficially recognized in the Northern Hemisphere as the beginning of the season is this Thursday on June 21st. The summer solstice is an astronomical event that occurs when the North Pole is leaning towards the sun during Earth’s orbit and is directly […]

Summer Solstice


It’s June! You survived another semester of school or maybe you graduated! Summer is here! Time to go outside and have some fun! We all spend summer in different ways, but June has some special activity options for you. There are a million and one things you could do this hot season, but, as always, […]


May Awareness Days

This month is full of official days and a lot of good reminders. As May flowers into beautiful weather and bright tulips, the following days (as well as several others not listed) were marked on the calendar to celebrate culture, to raise awareness for health, and to congratulate young adults.Cinco de MayoOn May 5, 1862, […]

May Awareness Days

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